Everyone should have a great profile photo. Everyone has the right to look gorgeous. I love the word gorgeous and I don't think I can ever overuse it. You deserve great photographs of yourself. Let's work together to put the best you out there. Currently booking headshots and beauty portraits in Perth and Melbourne Australia.

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Headshot Prepping

You've finally booked in to get that headshot so let's make the most of it by prepping before the shoot.  
First and foremost hydration is important, so start drinking water, it will give you the healthy hydrated skin that we all want. Hydrated skin looks great in camera.  
Opt for more steamed vegetables, less sugar and fried foods, keep meals lean and healthy. Do not drink alcohol the night before the shoot. 
Now let's break everything else down. 
Good hair can make a headshot. Please come to the session with how you normally wear your hair on your best hair day. 
For those in need of a haircut, do so a week beforehand so that you get used to your hairstyle and it can grow in a little. 
On the day of please comb your hair, messy hair is difficult to fix in editing so please do not believe that everything can be fixed in post. Yes i can remove some stray flyaway hairs but not if we don't have a good foundation to start with. If you opt to get your hair styled, please style it the way you normally wear your hair so that you look like you in the headshots. 
Be groomed and cleaned. If you need to wax and shave - do it. Half beard is a no, 5 o'clock shadow is fine, ensure you are neat and trim. 
Eyebrows really do frame your face. If there is only ONE thing to do before your session then groom your brows!  
When you get your eyebrows professionally waxed/ threaded/ shaped do so 3-4 days before your shoot, If you normally use Henna, this tends to be applied on the heavier side so I would suggest 4-5 days before so that they look natural on the day. For those with sparse eyebrows feel free to fill them in on the day, once again a light touch is best. 
To help keep your lips moisturised or if you tend to chapped lips, brushing them with a toothbrush works wonders and then applying cream to lips helps tremendously, I am a fan of Lucas pawpaw cream. Lipstick in a shade darker than your natural lips looks great. Wear whatever colour you normally wear and love. 
As stated above drinking water will hydrate and make your skin look better. Moisturising will also help so get onto this. For those wearing foundation, I prefer liquid foundation as it is more hydrating. No need to apply with a heavy hand we are simply going for a slightly even skintone. Powder foundations tend to appear drier on the skin under studio lights which is why it is not a favourite of mine. Using a touch of blush to the cheeks also give a fresh tone, the main aim is to look like yourself so however you usually present yourself is perfectly fine. 
I will pop your eyes with the lighting, please apply eye makeup lightly. For those that use eyeshadows it is best to keep to light colours that match your skin tone, no need for false lashes they won't be that noticeable in camera. 
I can whiten teeth in post so please come in with a smile!
Keep clothing simple. Clean ironed well fitted clothing works best. One solid colour works best. The best colours tend to be muted - grey, navy, maroon, olive green, blue, black, off white, nothing fluoro - fluoro will reflect back onto your face and you will be tinged with that colour. Solid colours work best so that it's all about your face and not your clothes. Suit jackets look great keep them fitted. Same with dress fitted works best. 


2018 AIPP WA Epson Professional Photography Awards.

I moved back to Perth in December 2015, but it wasn't until this year that I admitted that I guess I am actually living back in Perth. Now I am not a shy person once I know you, but, until I know you I'm an introvert. Put me in a social situation with new people and you may not hear much out of me soo this is a rather long-winded way of saying that coming back to Perth and trying to find like-minded people to talk to has been hard. So I decided I wanted to connect with the photography community in Perth and transferred my AIPP membership to WA and also decided that if I was going to give this a go I should enter the WAEPPA state awards. Why not bond over the stressful process of having your work judged by your peers.  
I entered a few categories but today I'll show you my two images that I entered from Japan. I'm a little proud as they both scored Gold awards. Very happy to have two golds awarded as a first-time entrant into the WA EPPA 
The first shout-out is to PJ at Fitzgerald Photo Images. I mean his printing is what brought these two images to life and got me the Gold. Seriously thank you for taking my images to the next level. The second shout-out is to Andy Yee who while we were in Morocco said "Do you want to see snow monkeys?" and I was like "umm yes I would" This trip taken this year Jan/Feb 2018 was soo much fun and I'll be sharing more about the trip in a future post but for now here are my images below. Cannot wait to have these up on my wall.  
Snow Monkeys in Japan - equal highest scoring print in the Pet/Animal category
Snow landscape in Japan - gold award in the Landscape single capture category


May Newsletter: Melbourne Headshot Photography

If you are ever out with me you may hear me raving about profile photos and why I think everyone needs one. I have raved so much that my friend Mark sent me a link to a great article about the importance of headshots for your linked in profile - you can read the article at Lifehacker and once you've finished feel free to read my article and if you are in Melbourne come book in for a headshot now.  
I have limited availability for the remainder of May and June as I have work travel commitments outside of Melbourne, June 10th will be my last available date for this financial year, 


Melbourne Headshot Photography: LA v NYC

Nothing beats summer in the States. Long leisurely strolls in Central Park, window shopping in Soho, people watching in the East Village or just hanging on Santa Monica Beach. You are really spoilt for choice on both coasts. Luckily it being summer, meant I was able to use natural light to capture some great headshots from an East Village rooftop in New York to a balcony and well lit white wall in Santa Monica. 
All great working holidays must end and I am now back in Melbourne and raring to go. Being winter here means I get to utilize my full lighting kit in studio which I love as I can get great shots and keep everyone warm and dry. In Spring and Summer though, I will take clients to my rooftop, unfortunately I cannot guarantee the same views as a NYC rooftop but the garden still offers views of the water. 
See the photos below, everyone has gorgeous makeup, it's not too overdone but it's enough and with the sunshine it gives that healthy glow to your cheeks, bright clear eyes and everyone's brows are on point.
Melbourne Model Headshots
More importantly let's talk about healthy and amazingly delicious food in both these cities. As I've mentioned in previous newsletters, eating clean leads to healthy glowing skin and you can have delicious healthy food when traveling. In case you happen to be traveling to LA or NYC soon: in LA, well really, Santa Monica I loved loved loved Kreation Kafe. To date, they have the best tasting Almond Milk Latte that I have had. If anyone knows of a great place in Melbourne - let me know as I haven't found one yet. Not only was the Almond Latte the bomb, their whole menu is great - the grilled chicken, the breakfast options everything was delicious - sorry I didn't have dessert here so I can't comment on that. Moving on to NYC - I stayed in the East Village and fell for a little dessert place on East 10th St,Jennifer's Way Bakery 100% gluten free - the pumpkin and chocolate chip cookies were my all time fav. and if you were on the other side of town check out Hu Kitchen on 5th Avenue and 14th Street for great delicious meals and desserts!  
If you happen to have any burning questions about New York or Headshots feel free to email me as I am happy to offer advice! 
Professional Model Headshots Melbourne


Grooming: June Newsletter: Melbourne Headshot Photography

The June edition is out. The newsletter is all about getting the best from you for your headshot. Now these tips will help you before you get in studio for your headshot and they are also great tips to use before a major meeting! I've posted the full article below: 
Let's break this down, you've finally booked in to get that headshot so let's make the most of it by prepping before the shoot. 
Haircut: It's important to wear your new style in.  
Cutting your hair a week in advance gives you time to know how to style it. 
If you want to try a new look for the session get it styled pre session to make sure it works! 
Facials: If you get facials do this one week in advance to make sure you don't break out at your session. If you don't get facials lets start one week of skin prep at home. Clean, tone and moisturize.  
Eyebrows: Women get your eyebrows professionally shaped/waxed/threaded. Your eyebrows frame your face so if there is only ONE thing to do before your session then groom your brows! 
Lips: To help if you have chapped lips - brush them with your toothbrush, this is an easy exfoliator and apply balm - Lucas pawpaw cream works magic http://lucaspapaw.com.au 
Diet: Hydrate - start drinking your 8 glasses of water per day. Do you want healthy glowing skin then drinking more water and eating healthily will help. Opt for more steamed vegetables, less sugar and fried foods, keep meals lean and healthy. Do not drink alcohol the night before the shoot.
Hair styling: Make sure you wear your hair for how your want to be represented.  
If you normally wear your hair down and straight for major meetings a slight bounce to your hair is fine but full on curls may not be appropriate. 
If you wear your hair up then a professional braid is an option. 
Do not try a new look on the day of the shoot - feel free to test and see what you like, but remember, you are representing you, so make sure you are comfortable with the final look that you decide on. 
Men bring gel for zhuzhing during the session. 
Facial hair: Be groomed and cleaned. If you need to wax and shave - do it. Half beard is a no, 5 o'clock shadow is fine, ensure you are neat and trim. 
Sleep: Have a full nights sleep so that you are well rested - let's minimize those dark circles.  
Teeth: Brush and floss (I can whiten them in post production) 
Lips: Moisturize your lips and say no to chapped lips! Bring your favourite lip colour - no gloss just natural lipstick or a colour that you love! 
Food: Eat before you come, nothing worse then having hunger pains when you are trying to look natural in front of the camera! 
and lastly, Relax and Enjoy the experience! 
To book your headshot with me click the Book A Session button above!

©2024 Tracy Condidorio, All rights reserved.