Everyone should have a great profile photo. Everyone has the right to look gorgeous. I love the word gorgeous and I don't think I can ever overuse it. You deserve great photographs of yourself. Let's work together to put the best you out there. Currently booking headshots and beauty portraits in Perth and Melbourne Australia.

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2018 AIPP WA Epson Professional Photography Awards.

I moved back to Perth in December 2015, but it wasn't until this year that I admitted that I guess I am actually living back in Perth. Now I am not a shy person once I know you, but, until I know you I'm an introvert. Put me in a social situation with new people and you may not hear much out of me soo this is a rather long-winded way of saying that coming back to Perth and trying to find like-minded people to talk to has been hard. So I decided I wanted to connect with the photography community in Perth and transferred my AIPP membership to WA and also decided that if I was going to give this a go I should enter the WAEPPA state awards. Why not bond over the stressful process of having your work judged by your peers.  
I entered a few categories but today I'll show you my two images that I entered from Japan. I'm a little proud as they both scored Gold awards. Very happy to have two golds awarded as a first-time entrant into the WA EPPA 
The first shout-out is to PJ at Fitzgerald Photo Images. I mean his printing is what brought these two images to life and got me the Gold. Seriously thank you for taking my images to the next level. The second shout-out is to Andy Yee who while we were in Morocco said "Do you want to see snow monkeys?" and I was like "umm yes I would" This trip taken this year Jan/Feb 2018 was soo much fun and I'll be sharing more about the trip in a future post but for now here are my images below. Cannot wait to have these up on my wall.  
Snow Monkeys in Japan - equal highest scoring print in the Pet/Animal category
Snow landscape in Japan - gold award in the Landscape single capture category

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