Everyone should have a great profile photo. Everyone has the right to look gorgeous. I love the word gorgeous and I don't think I can ever overuse it. You deserve great photographs of yourself. Let's work together to put the best you out there. Currently booking headshots and beauty portraits in Perth and Melbourne Australia.

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I'm inspired by Perth

This month I'm inspired by my hometown of Perth, Australia. I was back in the city for a series of water based photo shoots that I am working on. 
I moved away from Perth over 10 years ago as I felt Perth was too small and I wanted to me in a larger Australian city, but now that I have come back both in December and a week ago in late March I have fallen in love with this beach town.  
It really is warmer and sunnier than the other capital cities for a whole lot longer in summer. I mean technically mid March is the start of Autumn but Perth has yet to get the memo - just having days of sunshine and warmth - I have to say it was fantastic.

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