Everyone should have a great profile photo. Everyone has the right to look gorgeous. I love the word gorgeous and I don't think I can ever overuse it. You deserve great photographs of yourself. Let's work together to put the best you out there. Currently booking headshots and beauty portraits in Perth and Melbourne Australia.

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Inspirations: I'm inspired by Breaking Bad

I loved the Series Breaking Bad soo soo much. 
Like a lot of people, I was glued, I raved about it and I even changed my name on my iPhone so it looked like the title sequence. What can I say, this show was my all time favorite!  
Vince Gilligan is just amazing to me. If you loved the show but never listened to Vince's commentary seriously do yourself a favor and listen up. I could just ramble on and on and on but this is just my monthly update to remind me of what inspired me this month! Yes the series finished last year but I'm watching reruns on Aussie TV!

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